Ronald – Hai, Deepak. Thanks for pointing out the pboelrm. Sure, you can just put the_content() within the post-content div class if you want to display standard blog format.Regarding SEO, I’m not an expert on it but I did code this theme with some basic SEO knowledge such as H1 tag for website title, H2 tag for post title on homepage and give it another H1 tag on single post title, etc..some basic stuff only.We’ll be setting up a support forum for MagPress themes in the near future. So, in the mean time we’ll supporting theme users by post comments or email.Anyway, thanks again for your input. I appreciate it.
Ronald – Hai, Deepak. Thanks for pointing out the pboelrm. Sure, you can just put the_content() within the post-content div class if you want to display standard blog format.Regarding SEO, I’m not an expert on it but I did code this theme with some basic SEO knowledge such as H1 tag for website title, H2 tag for post title on homepage and give it another H1 tag on single post title, etc..some basic stuff only.We’ll be setting up a support forum for MagPress themes in the near future. So, in the mean time we’ll supporting theme users by post comments or email.Anyway, thanks again for your input. I appreciate it.